Santa's Friend Chimney Service

Always Have a Plan of Escape

Was it Colin Powell who pointed out the importance of knowing how you get out before you go in? Whether it’s called an “exit strategy” or an “escape plan”, it is critical to the survival of loved ones regardless of where the fight is. No different than being on a battlefield, facing fire, every family needs to plan and train for their own escape and leave the fight to pros.

Emergency Escape Plan - Jackson MS - Santa's Friend Chimney

Fight Fire with Smoke

Working smoke detectors properly placed can save both your family and your house if you have a good escape plan. It is a tiny fraction of children who cannot be awakened from deep sleep by traditional smoke alarms. Nonetheless, if your child is among them, you need to know, so check it out a few times.

Indeed, the more realistic the practice for an actual escape, the more likely it is to kick in when needed. The presence of that shrill beeping from smoke detectors needs to be familiar rather than something that causes panic. Children who do not wake to them need to be assigned to adults who reliably are, and the plan may have to be re-designed.

Time Is Of the Essence

When the alarms sound, getting the whole family out of the house within 5 minutes at most is the goal. Smoke detectors are extremely sensitive, so they are an essential early warning system.  With a good escape plan that has been well practiced, all family members can get safely out and take the pets with them.

It is important to think about family pets, because all too often they are the reason for someone going back into a burning house. This should never be done; get out and stay out, and let firefighters handle the rest. Plan in advance for all of your loved ones to safely escape from the house, and make the 9-1-1 call a part of the plan. If you need any help putting a plan together, please give us a call in Jackson, MS.

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