The Signs that It Is Time for Firebox Replacement
Most people choose their fireplace based on the way that it looks and never imagine that fireplace replacement will ever be something that they need. However, over time, a firebox does become worn down or damaged and may need to be maintained. There are a few signs homeowners can look for to let them know that it is time to call in some help.
Over time, firebox panels may begin to look cracked or worn down. Although some homeowners enjoy this look, it can actually be dangerous. If it is cracked or there appears to be pieces falling down from the inside, it is time for repairs or for a complete firebox replacement.
In addition to the wear and tear of old age, water buildup can lead to significant damage in a fireplace system. If the it is exposed to a great deal of moisture, it will eventually weaken and fall apart. Try scraping the firebox and see if it starts to come apart in any places. If it does, then it would be a good idea to replace it before the damage becomes even more significant.
Some homeowners may look at their fireplaces and not be able to tell whether or not they require any maintenance. In this situation, it is better to be safe than sorry. Instead of playing a guessing game, call in a CSIA certified chimney sweep to take a look and determine what maintenance, if any, is necessary.
If a firebox is not properly maintained, the entire household may be at risk every time they decide to enjoy a warm fire. If any pieces appear to be crumbling or falling off, it is time to call in a professional to assess the situation. This damage may occur over time as the result of age, but it can also be caused by significant water damage.